You Survive the Challenge
By: Noemi V.
"For the art contest, I decided to draw half of a brain and half of a heart. This image combined with the color combination of muted colors for the left side and bright colors for the right side symbolize that the brain will always have an effect over you and will always hold the feeling of depression and anxiety. The heart shows that even though you might not feel great, the heart will always have a feeling of being loved. In addition, I drew flowers sprouting from the heart to show that our happiness keeps the flowers growing. Overall, this piece represents that while the brain controls your emotions, the heart still has a feeling of joy. On the bottom side of the brain, I decided to draw a hand holding pills to show that when a lot of people have depression, they decide to take the wrong way out and just end it. On the side of the heart, I drew a mouth on top to show the strength of our voice which waters the plants. These water droplets contain positive words and speaking positive will always keep the flowers alive and make others feel welcomed. There are flowers surrounding the space to show cheerfulness, and that not all are good flowers. Some are dying. Sometimes we go through rough patches but is possible to overcome.
Here is an original poem about mental health.
“Your memories replace kindle,
Your hope gradually brightens your smile,
The light of each resides in all,
for the challenges you have overcame,
You survived.”
3rd · Middle School Original Artwork (2021)