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Why Does Mental Health Matter To Me?

By: Alyssa M.

3rd · Elementary School Writing (2021)

Mental health is not something you can gain by doing something you love. Mental health is something you must do. You must connect yourself with your thoughts and emotions. Sure, you might look and want to feel happy but is that what your thoughts say. Well, here are mine.

I have always wanted to be something more, someone more. I tell myself, every day that I am happy. That is where mental health comes in. When I go back and look at the things that I did and who I am all I feel is guilt, shame, greed, and emotions I cannot control. I connected with myself and told myself I was going to do better, but I also told myself that it would take some time. I am still working on it, but I know I will get there.

Even if you might have a bad day or an absolutely great one but at the end of the day the only thing that matters is knowing who you are and finding inner control.

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