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Drew's dream came true from his feelings and thoughts.

By: Aiden K.

The story was inspired from one of my best friend. His name is Drew and he loves basketball. I hope my viewers achieve their hopes and dreams.

1st Place · Elementary School Writing (2022)

I remember that exact moment when I lost that game for my team and now, I did it again.  There were seconds left on the clock, so I hurried to make a shot. Just as the clock buzzed, I took my shot and missed the basket that could have won the game.  My team lost and I felt so ashamed of myself. The negative self-talk is going to start again.  I can feel the spiral. I know that I have other games ahead and those games are going to lead me to my hopes and dreams… college basketball.


All was bad, but one guy approached me. He said that it is okay to feel negative sometimes but to remember my path. He said to stay busy with activities that I liked and that it would help me remember who I am. I took his advice and watched some cartoons and played some NBA 2K22. I had the opportunity to clear my mind and regain my focus.  I now have positive feelings inside and believe I can continue to reach my goal.  After practice, I make sure to calm down which helps me keep my positive mood and continue to get better at basketball.


Then one day, that college dream came true.  That day did come and after that offer letter, I can truly say that my positive mental help was a huge reason that I was able to reach my goal.

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